Empower communities through health. Explore our Community Health Bachelor's degree.
Bachelor of Science in Community Health, Community-Based Track
Jumpstart your career in healthcare with our customizable Pre-Health Professional tracks.
Bachelor of Science in Community Health, Pre-Health Professional Track (Dental, Medical, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy)
Choose certificate options in Public Health, Gerontology, Human Services and Women’s Health.
Earn your Bachelor’s degree in Community Health alongside a complementary degree.
Physical Therapist Assistant
Health Information Technology
Interdisciplinary focus offers job opportunities in public health, non-profit, social service, women’s health organizations, senior care and more.
Flexible online, part- and full-time options allow students to complete the program at their own pace.
Post associate degree option allows students to receive up to 60 direct transfer credits.
Concentrations in Gerontology, Human Services, Public Health, Women’s Health and Healthcare Business available.
Service-learning and fieldwork opportunities allow students to actively engage with members of their community and make a difference.
Bachelor’s degree prepares students for graduate work or health profession program admission.
Coursework in Trauma Informed Care, Vulnerable Populations and Grant Writing prepare students to work with a wide variety of client populations, making them marketable and desirable employees.
Certificates in Gerontology, Human Services, Public Health and Women’s Health enhance career options for professionals at any level.
Community Health courses offer experiential learning strategies to help students engage with the material and the communities they serve.
Learn more about our program, students and alumni.